It's time to start living for real.
Hey Beautiful!
I just wanted to drop in and share something that’s been on my heart.
It’s time to start living for real. No more limits, no more covering up your light.
For so long, you’ve gotten used to going through the motions but never really feeling fulfilled. Everything looks good on the outside: you post the right pictures, wear the right clothes, know the right people. Some might look at you and say you “have it all together.” But to you, something still You know God has more for you, if you could just get unstuck.
There’s that one thing your loved ones say you’re great at and even that God has called you to it, but it doesn’t seem all that extraordinary to you. In your prayers, you ask God to clearly show you your path and purpose. Well I’m here to tell you, He already has! That tension you feel? It’s your purpose bubbling right beneath the surface, inside of you all along. It’s about time you shared it with the world.
Matthew 5:15 says, “No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.”
God placed a special gift inside of you and He expects you to use it. Don’t worry, you will be equipped with everything you need. You just have to say YES. Power Up! is the tool you need to get clear on your why and louder with your yes.
If you’ve been looking to get closer with God, I want you to read this book. Preorder your copy below.